Your name is the standard…make it good

Yesterday I spoke about how your name becomes linked with certain emotions in peoples minds based on how you make them feel via your words and actions.


Today I want to talk about how your name can become a currency for you.


People always want money they can trust. They want to know they can depend upon it to always buy them whatever they want that can be got for money. They want to know that the money will be excepted by the places with which they choose to do business.


It’s the same way with a person’s name. Your name is synonymous with yourself to those who know you. Consequently, how people feel about you will translate to how they feel about anything with which your name is associated.


If people know they can trust you to provide them with pleasant experiences, they’ll be more likely to take your word for anything you recommend they do.


If people like your personality, they’ll be more likely to take an interest in other people you hang out with because your friends are likely to hold to similar values as yourself.


And if people are particularly attached to you, they’ll want nothing to do with anyone who attacks you and will even defend you.


In this way your name becomes something that can “buy” you friends and opportunities otherwise denied those who aren’t so careful about keeping their penny shiny.


That’s why your daily email hostess is so particular about your having a good experience with her business. Whether it’s shopping or shipping or reading emails, I aim to ensure you’ll have someone you can trust to give you card giving enjoyment.


Speaking of my business, here’s a link to the cards in my shop: 


To your card giving,


Grace Arant