The clock is ticking on the card revolution…will you lead?
My parents gave me a traditional watch for Christmas. You know, the kind that has hands that circle around the face?
I always wear a digital watch, and I like digital. I’ve always preferred being able to glance quickly at the clock and know what time it is without having to remember what each number stands for.
You could almost say I would rather have a slave or someone similar who will come on command and tell me what time it is.
However, when I saw that traditional watch lying in my hands, I immediately loved it. Why? It looks very classic and analog.
The feel of the stiff leather strap I know will soften up with use and conform to the shape of my wrist, the ticking sound, and the required use of my brain to figure out what time it is satisfying.
I still value the digital clock for speed, but I’ve also discovered that no digital clock is going to replace my love of traditional clock face. Maybe its has something to do with that little steampunk I have in my blood. Maybe.
This is a lot like the reaction you are sure to trigger with your card giving habit.
Some people forget what it is like to receive a greeting card. When they do, it is like you sent them down a mix of memory lane and a world tour. They fall in love with the mind blown sensation.
That sensation can act as a catalyst for that person to start giving cards and sending letters themselves. If they are a reasonable human being, they will want to give others the same sensation.
It’s like, “Smoke this, Marvin, you won’t believe what it does to you!”
If you want to see more people sending letters and cards, you can lead the way in your corner of the universe.
You’ll want to lead with style, so below I’m including a link to some cards that will make style easy for you:
Go forth and make disciples.
To your card giving,
Grace Arant