Nothing but a pen, a piece of paper, and that cinnamon roll recipe you want to share
How would you communicate with your friends, family, and colleagues if all means of technological contact were suddenly taken away?
Poof. No more email, texting, social media, phone calls, none of it left. How would you communicate?
You would probably be forced to do a lot more face to face talking. Some things you used to be able to get instant answers to would have to wait a week before you could get an appointment to talk to a person. You may even have to discover how to complete tasks on your own without the benefit of hints.
What would replace your long distance communication? Instead of posting recipes and pictures on Instagram would you take up a pen and some fine stationary and write out the recipes and send them to the people you would normally send them to? Would you even know were to send physical mail to your social media friends?
You might learn how to draw more effectively or tell better word pictures if you couldn’t send photos in the mail. If you were really serious about keeping people in the know no matter what you could no longer use your “terrible” handwriting as an excuse not to write. It might even push you to finally neaten your writing up.
I wanted to share this with you to get you thinking. No one can say definitely that e-communication will exist or be freely available forever. For that matter, no one can say that paper, envelopes, and ink will be freely available forever, either.
But you already had a practice of not relying on your phone for every single time you want to say something to someone you would be in a far more advantageous position than many people.
Now whether the post office would still be in operation during a technological meltdown is a question I can’t answer. I’m not too confident it would be. Some smart person could find a way to deliver mail in spite of it, though, I’m sure.
But while the lights are still on and you have an internet connection you do have a chance at stocking up on cards at the link below:
It’s never a bad idea to be prepared.
To your card giving,
Grace Arant