The importance of poor communication
Poor communication is key to making sure tasks don’t get done, expectations are never met or known, and the people effected are kept in an inner state of uncertainty and frustration.
The whole situation will be a Mt. Vesuvius waiting to happen, and when it finally erupts the destruction will be, if not utter, at least grand. The snapping of strained nerves, the dredging up of past wrongs, the fights will reach the heavens, and the stars will wink among themselves as they put in their earplugs.
On the yonder flowery bank stands youthful good communication. A refreshing peace pervades the atmosphere. All is known and understood and all are known, accepted, and forgiven.
Many forms of communication go a long way in providing these results. Handwritten notes hold a slim place among them. Slim, but natural, too.
An added joy comes with the exchange of such notes when they are encased in art. Such as a greeting card.
Several such artful cards can be found at the link below:
To your card giving,
Grace Arant